Explore my collection of publications covering topics ranging from urbanisation to municipal finance and property tax policies, offering valuable insights and perspectives for diverse stakeholders, including policymakers, researchers, private sector, the media and the wider community.
- Built Environment
- Haas, A. (2024) An Introduction: The Economics of the Built Environment London: Royal Institute of British Architects
- China-Africa
- Dercon, S. Haas, A., Kriticos, S. and Lippolis, S. (2019) Can Africa learn from the Chinese urbanisation story? London: International Growth Centre.
- Data
- Haas, A. and Anonymous (2019) Data for Cities: A 2019 Urban Baseline for Mandalay City. London: International Growth Centre.
- Housing
- Haas, A. (2021) “Can we Do Informal Housing Better?,” New York: NYU Center on International Cooperation
- Institutions and Governance
- Delbridge, V. and Haas, A. (2022) “Cities, Not Camps: Practical Perspective and Obstacles” in eds, Nooke, G. and Kraus, C. Cities, Not Camps: The Contribution of Planned Cities to Development and Migration Policy
- Nyakahuma, J. and Haas, A. (2021) “Proactive Urban Policy: A Recipe for Productive and Liveable Cities.” in eds Economic Growth Forum. Kampala: Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development.
- Collier, P., Glaeser, E., Venables, T., Haas, A. and Wani, S. (2020) Designed to succeed: Building authorising environments for fast-growing cities. London: International Growth Centre
- Haas, A. and Wani, S. (2019) Urban governance institutions: Policy options for fast growing cities. London: International Growth Centre.
- Jones, P., Bird, J., Beck, C. and Haas, A. (2016) African cities background: Kampala – a policy narrative. Washington DC: World Bank
- Intermediary Cities
- Haas, A. (2022) “Financing and Funding Secondary Cities.” in eds Roberts, B.H. and Ayumba, G. The Dynamics of Systems of Secondary Cities in Africa: Urbanisation, Migration and Development. Cities Alliance
- Haas, A. (2021) Unleashing the power of urbanisation for Uganda’s new cities. London: International Growth Centre
- Municipal Finance and Property Tax
- Haas, A. (2023) CEPA Strategy Guidance Note on: Strengthening municipal finance and local finance systems. New York: United Nations Department of Social and Economic Affairs.
- Haas, A., Cartwright, A. Garang, A. and Songwe, V. (2023) From Millions to Billions: Financing the Development of African Cities. Abidjan: African Development Bank.
- Haas, A. and Löffler, G. (2023) Case studies of sub-national financial intermediaries in Africa. London: ODI
- Löffler, G. and Haas, A. (2023) Bridging Africa’s urban infrastructure gap: Financial intermediaries for facilitating cities’ access to debt finance in Africa. London: ODI (French version)
- Haas, A. (2023) “Decentralisation, Revenue and the Capital City: the Case of Kampala, Uganda.” Commonwealth Journal of Local Governance, 27, pp. 158-169
- Haas. A. (2023) “African Cities: Unlocking Financing for Urbanisation.” Megatrends Policy Brief, 11
- Haas, A. (2022) “Uganda” in OECD Regional Development Studies: Global Compendium on Land Value Capture Policies. Paris: OECD
- Haas, A., Knebelmann, J. and Nyirakamana, C. (2021) Five tenets for consideration when undertaking property tax reform in Africa. African Tax Research Network.
- Delbridge, V., Haas, A., Harman, O. and Venables, T. (2021) Enhancing the financial positions of cities, evidence from Kampala: Revenue optimisation without legislative change. Nairobi: UNHABITAT
- Delbridge, V., Harman, O., Sarr, K.D. with Haas, A. and Venables, T. (2021) Enhancing the financial positions of cities, evidence from Dakar: Municipal bonds, spending tomorrow’s revenue today. Nairobi: UNHABITAT
- Delbridge, V., Harman, O., Yusuf, A. with Haas, A. and Venables, T. (2021) Enhancing the financial positions of cities, evidence from Hargeisa: Urban wealth creating on public service delivery in fragile and low resource contexts. Nairobi: UNHABITAT
- Delbridge, V., Harman, O., Dyson, J. with Haas, A. and Venables, T. (2021) Enhancing the financial positions of cities, evidence from Malawi: Secondary cities leading innovation on municipal finance reform. Nairobi: UNHABITAT
- Haas, A. (2020) Setting water tariffs right: Considerations and approaches. London: International Growth Centre.
- Haas, A. and Kriticos, S. (2019) Considerations for land value capture reform in the Greater Amman Municipality. London: International Growth Centre.
- Haas, A. and Kopanyi, M. (2018) Taxation of vacant urban land: From theory to practice. London: International Growth Centre.
- Haas, A. and Kopanyi, M. (2018) Considerations for a tax on urban vacant land in Kampala. London: International Growth Centre.
- Haas, A. and Kopanyi, M. (2018) Taxing vacant urban land in Kampala. London: International Growth Centre.
- Haas, A. (2018) Property taxes: Exploring the untapped potential for the city of Hargeisa. London: International Growth Centre
- Haas, A. and Manwaring, P. (2018) Private vs. public collection in enhancing local tax revenues. London: International Growth Centre.
- Haas, A. (2018) An Overview of Municipal Finance for the City of Hargeisa, Somaliland. London: International Growth Centre.
- Haas, A. (2018) The Right Mix is Key: Instruments for Financing Africa’s Urbanisation IGLUS Quarterly 4:2
- Haas, A. with Collier, P. (2017) Financing Fast Growing Cities. IGC Growth Brief. London: International Growth Centre. (in French)
- Andema, F. and Haas, A. (2017) Efficient and Effective Municipal Tax Administration: A Case Study of Kampala Capital City Authority. London: International Growth Centre.
- Haas, A. and Jones, P. (2017) The Importance of Property Rights For Successful Urbanisation in Developing Countries. International Growth Centre.
- Mobility and Transport
- Haas, A. (2023) “Whose Infrastructure is it Anyway?” in eds Siemiyatickyi, M., Ward, K. and Bates, L. K. Infrastructure that Connects / Infrastructure that Divides , Planning, Theory and Practice
- Haas, A. (2022) Political Economy of Urban Public Transport in Africa and the Role of the World Bank. Johannesburg: Friedrich-Ebert Stiftung.
- Haas, A. (2019) Key Considerations for Integrated Multi-Modal Transport Planning. London: International Growth Centre.
- Bajpai, J. and Haas, A. (2017) A framework for initiating public transport reform in the Greater Kampala Metropolitan Area. London: International Growth Centre
- Water and Sanitation
- Blake, M., Glaeser, E., Haas, A., Kriticos, S. and Mutizwa-Mangiza, N. (2020) Water, sanitation and hygiene policy in the time of COVID-19. London: International Growth Centre.
- Nagpal, T., Balac, M., Haas, A. and Sandi, N. (2019) Understanding the demand and funding for piped-water supply in Mandalay City. London: International Growth Centre.
- Haas, A., Khan, A. and Khwaja, A. (2020) Policymaking in uncertain times: Smart containment with active learning. London: International Growth Centre. (here in Arabic and French)
South Sudan
- Haas, A. and Morjaria, A. (2017) Doing Business in Fragile States: A Case Study of Southern Sudan Beverages Limited. Kellogg Business School.
- Adam, C., Alemi, C. and Haas, A. (2016) Considerations for South Sudan Joining the East African Monetary Union. International Growth Centre.
- Alemi, C. de Melo, J. and Haas, A. (2016) Pursuing WTO Accession; Advantages and Disadvantages for South Sudan. International Growth Centre.
- Alemi, C., de Melo, J. and Haas, A. (2016) Recommendation for South Sudan to join the East African Community. International Growth Centre.
Public Financial Management
- Lustig, N., Jellema, J., Haas, A and Wolf, S. (2016) Chapter 19 – Commitment to Equity Assessment: Uganda. Brookings, Washington D.C.
- Lustig, N., Jellema, J., Haas, A and Wolf, S. (2016) The impact of taxes, transfers and subsidies on inequality and poverty in Uganda. International Growth Centre